: Date in a format that is recognizable across cultures, and supports sorting by date (as opposed to M/D/YY).[Org Unit Name]
: Replace the brackets and the text with the name of the organizational unit. For example, “Board”.Meeting
: The literal string “Meeting”. This allows the same name to be used for both agendas and minutes, which is helpful in that often agendas are edited to produce minutes.Example:
2020-06-17 Board Meeting
Optionally, for physical files (e.g., Microsoft Word, PDF), replace space characters with underscore characters. Example:
Doing so will improve readability in cases where web servers escape (replace) spaces with%20
in filenames of files they serve as downloaded files (e.g.,2020-06-17%20Board%20Meeting.pdf
Meeting Participation
Member List: A numbered list of the group’s voting members. The list is numbered to easily note how many members the group has, which is required to determine whether a quorum has been achieved. This list should be present in the agenda, which is distributed prior to the meeting. Optionally, list the person’s role in the group (e.g., Chair, Treasurer).
Members Present: A numbered list of the group’s voting members who are present during the meeting. The list is numbered to easily note how many members are present, which is required to determine whether a quorum has been achieved.
Other Present: Simply noting who else was present during the meeting. Optionally, list the person’s applicable role and/or reason for being present.
Meeting Logistics
Time: If the participants are in different times zones, list applicable times with city-indicated time zones. If participants are in the same time zone, just state the local time.
Duration: State the duration in hours or minutes.
Logistics: State the physical location, dial-up information, or online meeting information as applicable.
Resources: Links to resources that apply to all meetings of the overall organization and/or the organization that is meeting.
Meeting Topic Groups
Grouping meeting topics helps meeting planners to focus their attention on main topics.